
The wrinkles that appear when making certain gestures can sometimes reflect a rough and not at all relaxed appearance of the face. If we add to this that some muscle groups at rest, may present excessive tension, it is logical to think that by decreasing this tension through treatment we will have a revitalized appearance.
Botulinum toxin is a drug and, as such, we can choose the most appropriate dose for each patient and the places where we will be most effective, always taking into account the strength of the muscles, their degree of mobility and the patient's wishes.
Dr. I want little "botox" is a very common phrase in our consultations and, although botulinum toxin is one of the treatments most requested by our patients, it is also true that it is equally rejected by so many others.
Once again, we return to the importance of making an adequate medical diagnosis. Sometimes, in order to have a natural effect after a botulinum toxin treatment, we have to understand that small wrinkles can remain because their complete relaxation can cause unwanted effects. It is about improving, softening or relaxing, but not "paralyzing" the action of the muscles of the face to avoid the much-sought expression.
We are a family owned and operated business.
After treatment we can expect:
Relaxation of the muscles of the region.
Rejuvenation of the look.
Elevation of the eyebrows.
Decrease marked forehead wrinkles.
General improvement of the appearance of the face and hydration of the skin.
We are a family owned and operated business.
What you need to know:
After studying the dynamics of facial muscles, we will apply the product to selected muscle groups. The treatment session takes no more than 30 minutes.
The effects begin to be visible three or four days after treatment, reaching the maximum effect after two weeks, at which point the patient will go to the consultation again to determine the results and thus assess the need to apply more doses to increase the results.
The treatment must be repeated between 2 to 3 times a year, and other rejuvenating treatments can be associated in the same session, or in successive sessions to obtain the best results.