
Aesthetic medicine is an area of medicine in constant evolution, since its creation, the products that have been used have varied in their formulation and duration. Today, we do not conceive the infiltration of products that can remain in the tissue for life, because aging is dynamic and, therefore, it is sensible to use the most appropriate type of product according to the state that the patient presents at each moment. For example, in the case of a patient who begins to develop hormonal imbalances typical of menopause, she may experience changes in her weight, if we do treatment with permanent products or use surgical techniques, it is logical to think that these weight fluctuations will have an impact on the results, these are not as expected.
This type of procedures are sometimes questioned by our patients because in their mind there are images of faces distorted by product abuse, inappropriate techniques, dubious criteria for perceiving beauty or simply using permanent materials.
At the Dr. Costa Santiago International Clinic, we believe that beauty is based on naturalness and harmony, which is why we use products that integrate perfectly into the fabric, adapting to the movements of facial mimicry. Your election was carefully carried out according to our criteria, which we believe are the best materials to guarantee the effectiveness of the results.
Depending on whether we want to restore volume, redensify the dermal tissue or obtain a tension effect, the choice of product will be different because each active substance has different functions and, therefore, directly influences the final result.
Depending on the treated areas, we can observe:
Better projection of the cheek area (cheekbones).
Correction of fine, medium and deep wrinkles.
Improved facial definition (including treatment of oval faces)
Hydration and voluminization of the lips.
Reduction of dark circles.
Remodeling of the chin, among others.
What you need to know:
Agreeing with the areas to be treated and the effect that must be achieved is fundamental in this type of procedures to achieve full patient satisfaction.
The effects are seen more quickly in treatments where what we need is projection or swelling.
More than one treatment session may be required and it is advisable to wait a month between sessions for proper product integration.
The duration of this type of treatment is very variable, but we can summarize that, once the initial work is done, every year or year and a half it is advisable to make small adjustments that help us to continue to maintain the effects.